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LIZ FRASER – 07890 072487
Charity Number 304163
We hope you enjoy your time at our village hall. I am sure that you understand that the trustees have to require you to abide by the following:
In common with other venues there is a no smoking policy operating throughout the building.
Please read carefully the information about leaving the hall as you found it and the safety information on pages 3-4.
You will be required to pay for any damage or breakages. This includes any damage to the floor surfaces throughout the building.
A returnable deposit of £30 is payable on each booking, increased to £100 if alcohol is to be consumed. If a confirmed booking is cancelled less than 14 days before the booking then the deposit may be retained.
The building has a maximum capacity of 150 people. If that number is exceeded we will have to ask you to take steps to reduce the number. Seating capacity at tables is less and will depend on the layout of the tables.
Background heating is provided in the Main Hall and Gallie Room. Additional heating is available using the £1 coin slot meters located in the room opposite the Gallie Room entrance.
If the public are to be admitted please make sure you advise at the time of booking if your event includes music, singing dancing and/or the sale of alcohol. Special conditions may apply depending on the function and, if alcohol is to be sold, then you must apply for a Temporary Event Notice (TEN). Details of how to apply are at https://northamptonshire-self.achieveservice.com/service/Application_for_a_temporary_event_notice_under_Licensing_Act_2003. The notice number must be provided to the booking officer prior to the event and displayed in the hall during the event.
Please do not fix decorations to any painted surfaces.
Apart from assistance dogs please ensure that no other animals are allowed into the building unless consent has been received at the time of booking.
Bouncy castles at children’s parties may only be used in the Gallie Room and should be no more than 9ft (2.74 metres) in height.
Please ensure that you have checked any safety issues and have the necessary third party insurance since no cover is provided by the trustees.
So that our neighbours are not unnecessarily inconvenienced please ensure that your event finishes by midnight (10.30pm on Sundays) and that the building is vacated no more than 30 minutes after the function ends.
Please respect the hall’s neighbours by keeping noise levels to a reasonable level.
If you are hiring the Main Hall and/or the Gallie Room please allow reasonable access to the kitchen and toilets to people using other parts of the hall at the same time.
There are items stored in the hall and the children’s play area which do not belong to the hall and are therefore not available for use unless you have obtained permission at the time of booking.
For events involving young people please ensure that adult supervision is present throughout the function.
Under normal circumstances the partition between the Main Hall and the Gallie Room is closed. If you are hiring both halls and require the partition open please advise us at the time of booking.
The hearing loop installed in the Main Hall is available to all user groups. The system can be accessed by users being addressed by a speaker/ speakers, who will be required to wear a lapel microphone. To access the loop listeners will have to switch their hearing aid to the T setting which will link them wirelessly to the loop. Any user group wishing to use the hearing loop MUST inform the booking officer at the time of booking.
I am sure you will understand that the trustees do not accept any responsibility for loss or theft of any articles from the village hall. Parking in the hall car park is at the owner's risk and the trustees do not accept any responsibility for loss of or damage to any vehicle or its contents while in the car parking area.
No bookings will be accepted for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day
The minimum age of a hirer is 21 years. No bookings will be accepted for a young person’s function without the written consent of the trustees, who will require adequate supervision by responsible adults as a condition of consent.
Letting of the whole building does not include the Library which will be locked when not in use.
All bookings of the hall shall be at the discretion of the trustees. The trustees reserve the right to cancel bookings and alter hire charges or regulations at any time without notice and without reason being given.
Please remember that the COVID pandemic is not over. Please ensure that those participating in your event respect and are considerate to others, especially those who are clinically more vulnerable and those who have yet to have both injections.
Good ventilation is the best means of reducing risk along with hand sanitising and social distancing.
Please ensure that all windows and doors are closed on leaving the premises.
Braunston Village Hall is an essential part of our village community and your hire and abiding by these requirements will ensure that its contribution to our community continues into the future.
I am sure you will appreciate that, if we are involved in any remedial work after you have enjoyed using our hall, we may incur costs which we have no option but to deduct from your deposit.
In order to avoid this please observe the following.
Wipe clean any tables that you use.
Return any tables and chairs that you use to where you found them. For safety reasons tables should be returned to the table trolleys, they should be stacked legs to legs or face to face. Chairs should be in stacks of no more than six.
Sweep the Main Hall, vacuum the Gallie Room, mop the kitchen floor and remove any rubbish, putting it in the waste bins located in the car park.
Wash, dry and return to the cupboards any cutlery, china or tableware.
Check the ladies, gents and disabled toilets to make sure they are clean and tidy.
Ensure that, when you leave the hall, all lights have been switched off and all doors and windows are safely locked.
The piano must not be moved from the Main Hall.
For your safety, and to comply with health and safety regulations, all of our portable electrical equipment is regularly tested. You are responsible for any electrical equipment brought into the hall for your event. Please ensure that any such equipment is removed immediately after the event.
PLEASE also note that the outside play area has items in it belonging to the pre-school not the village hall. As a consequence this area may not be used without agreement at the time of booking.
Please help us to keep our hall a place of which our village can be proud.
We would welcome any comments, ideas and suggestions from our user groups which will enable us to improve our offering to the village. Please contact the booking officer on 07890 072487 or use this form to send an email.
The following advice is intended to ensure that you stay safe while you enjoy using our village hall. Please read carefully, we want you to be safe. It is the responsibility of hirers upon entering the building to acquaint themselves with the Fire Regulations posted in the main corridors and comply with these regulations.
Risk Of Fire
It is highly recommended, especially if you are running an event where there are large numbers of people or where children or vulnerable people are involved, that you appoint somebody who will be responsible for safety.
That individual should be conversant with all safety aspects of the hall including:
location of fire alarm call points, fire extinguishers and fire blanket.
location of emergency exits and escape routes.
He or she should also ensure that everyone keeps calm should an emergency arise. Keeping calm and ensuring safe evacuation of the building should be the first priority.
Call 999 and advise the fire brigade of a fire at Braunston Village Hall (Northamptonshire, nearest postcode NN11 7HW).
Fires should only be tackled with fire extinguishers if it is safe to do so and nobody should stop to collect belongings.
He or she should check the building before leaving only if safe to do so.
Everyone should go to the assembly point on the far side of the car park and attempts should be made to establish no one is missing.
No attempt should be made to re-enter the hall unless authorised to do so by the fire authorities.
Other Risks
Please make sure that any spillages are cleaned up promptly.
Take extra care when moving tables and chairs and re-stack as requested by the notices. Chair trolleys are provided.
For minor cuts and grazes there is a first aid kit in the kitchen and the library.
Updated December 2024